Tuesday’s Treasure Chest? Where did it go?

I want to revive my “Tuesday’s Treasure Chest” blog posts which I started a long time ago, but got out of the habit (sorry, I’ve neglected by blog and post frequently on Facebook). Let’s do this, I’ll start by sharing THREE terrific things that I treasure……….. First I’ll start with something you might not knowContinue reading “Tuesday’s Treasure Chest? Where did it go?”

Christmas Open House in Sanford

Join me tomorrow at Carolina Artists’Colony, Moore Street, Sanford,NC. Hundreds of pieces of art and handmade artisan created works are available there. Take a look at my wall at CAC and here’s a little sneak peek at some of my new little bunnies I will be taking. Come shop and chat with me and ifContinue reading “Christmas Open House in Sanford”

Eye candy

Thanks for taking your time to look at my blog. I would like to share with you six hand-painted mini-canvases on 30″ chains. My friend Faye is quite the expert jewelry designer– thanks friend for your good eye and taking your time to match each painted canvas with the perfect colored beads. My hubby gotContinue reading “Eye candy”

“Isabella” my dragonfly mermaid

“Isabella” is an Italian name meaning “God is my oath”. She is a special mermaid because she is also a dragonfly. The dragonfly symbolizes change, mental and emotional. As the dragonfly flies across water it represents the act of going beyond the surface and looking for deeper and richer meanings in life. oil on canvas 24″x30″

BEACH Art Exhibit at Chambers Arts in Cary, NC

Hi Friends, I am thrilled to announce that two of my mermaid paintings have been accepted in BEACH art exhibit in Cary, NC. and YOU are invited to come see the show and come see ME!  Here is the announcement from Chambers Arts……. Lynda Chambers of Chambers Arts! announces Beach! Art Exhibit Winners “I am soContinue reading “BEACH Art Exhibit at Chambers Arts in Cary, NC”